Sondag 17 Maart 2013

What it is Metal Music ?

Lately it increasingly widespread interest in metal music in Indonesia, it is also amplified because many metal bands the world to do a concert in Indonesia. Actually what sense the flow of metal music itself is already widely known?

Many people misunderstand about the metal genre, because they are interested in the flow of this music is not for love but joined in a friend. Here I will explain about the understanding of the flow of metal music is wrong:

1. The music is called "Heavy Metal"

The music sounded with loud screams and highly distorted guitar is "Heavy Metal". In fact, the flow has hundreds of subgenres Metal and Heavy Metal even almost not one of the sub-flow. Bands like Cream, Led Zeppelin and Black Sabbath paved the way for metal bands to create a unique sound. But while these bands can be called a homage to Heavy Metal, the majority regard as non-metalheads, especially the elderly and young girls, referring to all the heavy metal rock music. Just because they do not recognize the diversity of the musical genre.

2. Metal musicians are uneducated freaks who can not construct a sentence

As if metal music really easy until there is a perception created that way. Most people looked at the lyrics and metal music was simple and stupid impressed. In fact, musicians including musicians Metal is a very smart, very focused person who can write lyrics with deep meaning and music. For example, Bathory black metal band from many of their music from classical composers.

3. All Flow Metal Anti-Religion

In the majority opinion of the non-metalhead, band - metal band considers worthy hated religion but it is not the case with the metal flow. In most cases, the metal is not anti-religion in general, but often against Christianity or a form of Christianity.
However, many metal artists who are religious, such as the American metalcore band As I Lay Dying, or David Dramian of Disturbed.

4. Metal promote Satanism

The genre of music that has a lot of features themes and imagery demon called Black Metal, which comes from Venom's thrash album; Black Metal. Although some of death metal and thrash metal, like Slayer, Cannibal Corpse and Morbid Angel use features Satanism, but very few black metal musicians really have confidence demons, and people who tend to try not to promote it.

5. Metal promotes criminal activity

Most metal bands that have lyrics violent or disturbing images have revealed that their content is not to be taken seriously. Cannibal Corpse, especially, known for their lyrics, which often outlines the more gruesome depictions of murder, death and sexual fetishism.

6. Metal is sexist

Although it seems that a lot of the metal, especially in the 80's, designed to belittle sex and women, now the problem is much reduced. And a lot of bands, especially in the genre of Black, Grind and Doom Metal avoid the topic of sex completely.

7. Metal musicians most fascist, racist or neo-Nazi has

While many musicians who say they believe in a particular racial or ethnic group is better or worse than others, and while some of them have a legitimate belief, it is the most common as part of the performance on stage. As an example we can take from former Gorgoroth vocalist Gaahl, who is not only gay, but also stated to have racist views, but he is not serious about these things and try not to express it openly.

8. Metal music is bad for children

Many metal-oriented music to children and adolescents as a relaxing way to cope with stress than using other means available. Although people may tell you that metal poison the minds of our children, keep in mind that people are generally very closed-minded and do not understand fully about Metal.

9. Metal does not need music to play Skill

Any professional will tell you that Metal and jazz are two of the most difficult genre to play. Sounds thrash metal musicians hiding behind distortion, fast riffs and extreme percussion are almost always 100 percent original, without the use of synthesized musical effects. But there is also a subgenre of music that tend to edit their digital music like metalcore, industrial and grind. And the other almost entirely pure.

10. Metal musician just screaming vocals

When you play metal songs in public places would have a lot to say "fuck it music, can not sing properly huh? It really annoys metalheads because reality becomes very difficult metal vocalist. And though it seems like a simple, Metal vocals vary widely , from the growling, shouting, screaming, yelling and everything in between. Next time someone says it's not a metal vocalist singing, you can answer a simple, "vocalist was just look different."

Lots of not understanding the flow of metal music is wrong in the eyes of the public. We should not be angry or mocking people who think like that, be mediocre and respond in a reasonable manner. Hopefully this article can add your insights about the music.

The public view of metal music?

So many misunderstandings about the views and perceptions of the metal genre, and with this I will tell you that how wrong they assess the flow of the music is loud.The following are 3 of the metal along with the fact that they exist.1. mistaken view of "Heavy Metal Music Genre"Most people assume the name of the music loud and very distorted guitar is "Heavy Metal". In fact, the flow of metal has hundreds of subgenres and "Heavy Metal" or almost not one of the sub-flow. Bands such as Cream, Led Zeppelin and Black Sabbath paved the way for metal bands to create a unique sound. But while these bands can be called a homage to Heavy Metal, the majority regard as non-metalheads, especially the elderly and young girls, referring to all the heavy metal rock music. Just because they do not recognize the diversity of the musical genre. 
2. The view is one of Metal Flow BarsI mean the flow of the bars is bahwasannya dijudge or metal musician accused of being uneducated freaks who can not construct a sentence.This is the general opinion: most people view metal lyrics and music are simple and seem stupid.In fact: metal musicians including musicians are very smart. people are very focused who can write lyrics with deep meaning and music. For example: Bathory homage to black metal band much of their music from classical composers. And most metal lyrics are surprisingly literate. 
3. The view is as one of Metal Flow Anti-Religion
metal here and all the streams that flow accused of being anti-religious.In the majority opinion of the Non-Metalhead, metal bands considered worthy hated religion (antipathy to religion) but that is not the case with the metal flow.In most cases, NOT ANTI RELIGION metal in general, but often against all forms of Christianity or to Christianity. However, many metal artists RELIGIOUS, such as American metalcore bands: As I Lay Dying, or David Dramian of disturbed. 
4. Wrong view on Metal is a Satanic cult
wrong view: metal promote SatanismThe genre of music that has a lot of features themes and imagery demon called Black Metal, which comes from Venom's thrash album: Black Metal. Although some of Death Metal and Thrash Metal, like Slayer, Cannibal Corpse and Morbid Angel use features Satanism, Naum very few black metal musicians really have faith in the devil, and people tend to try not to promote it.

10 Myths About Music Genre "METAL" are misguided by @ XtremeZine

So many misconceptions about the views and perceptions of the metal flow, and with it is a sufficient reason to make more people know about how they misjudged the flow of metal.
And here are 10 myths about the "Metal" and the truth is actually there, please note that this is not my personal opinion.

1. Just Can Shouts
Myth: vocal musician just screaming metal
If you like metal, you've probably heard someone say, "Well, do not biskah he sang it right?" It really annoys metalheads because reality becomes very difficult metal vocalist.
And although it seems like a simple, Metal vocals vary widely, from growling, shouting, screaming, yelling and everything in between. The next time someone says it's not a metal singer to sing, you can answer a simple, "Vocalist it just look different.

2. Not talented musicians
Myth: Metal does not need music to play Skill
Any professional will tell you that Metal and jazz are two of the most difficult genre to play.
And while the sound of thrash metal musicians hiding behind distortion, fast riffs and extreme percussion are almost always 100% original, without the effect of synthesized music.
But there is also a subgenre of music that tend to edit their digital music like metalcore, industrial and grind. And the other almost entirely pure.

3. Influence Bad For Kids
Myth: Metal music is bad for children
Many metal-oriented music to children and adolescents as a relaxing way to cope with stress than using other means available.
Although people may tell you that metal poison the minds of our children, keep in mind that people are generally very closed-minded and do not understand fully about Metal.

4. fascist
Myth: Metal musicians most fascist, racist or neo-Nazi has
While many musicians who say they believe in a particular racial or ethnic group is better or worse than others, and while some of them have a legitimate belief, it is the most common as part of the performance on stage.
A good example of this is former Gorgoroth vocalist Gaahl, who is not only gay, but also stated to have racist views, but he is not serious about these things and try not to express it openly.

5. flow Sexism
Myth: Metal is sexist
Although it seems that a lot of the metal, especially in the 80's, designed to belittle sex and women, now the problem is much reduced. And a lot of bands, especially in the genre of Black, Grind and Doom Metal avoid the topic of sex completely.

6. Identical to the Criminal
Myth: Metal promotes criminal activity such as murder
While some people in the metal community has been arrested for the crime and murder, only one case of a dominant, Varg Vikernes case. Most metal bands that have lyrics violent or disturbing images have revealed that their content is not to be taken seriously. Cannibal Corpse, especially, known for their lyrics, which often outlines the more gruesome depictions of murder, death and sexual fetishism.

7. Satanic cult
Myth: Metal promotes Satanism
The genre of music that has a lot of features themes and imagery demon called Black Metal, which comes from Venom's thrash album; Black Metal.
Although some of death metal and thrash metal, like Slayer, Cannibal Corpse and Morbid Angel use features Satanism, but very few black metal musicians really have confidence demons, and people who tend to try not to promote it.

8. Flow Anti-Religion
Myth: All Flow Metal Anti-Religion
In the majority opinion of the non-metalhead, band - metal band considers worthy hated religion (antipathy to religion) but that is not the case with the metal flow.
In most cases, the metal is not anti-religion in general, but often against Christianity or forms of Christianity (eg, band Dimmu Borgir, Kataklysm).
However, many metal artists who are religious, such as the American metalcore band As I Lay Dying, David Dramian of Disturbed, Indonesia Grindcore band "Skull", Nu Metal band Indonesia "Purgatory", and many more.

9. Flow Bar Bar
Myth: Metal musicians are uneducated freaks who can not construct a sentence
This is Another common perception. Most people looked at the lyrics and metal music was simple and stupid impressed.
In fact, musicians including musicians Metal is a very smart, very focused person who can write lyrics with deep meaning and music. For example, Bathory black metal band from many of their music from classical composers. And most metal lyrics are surprisingly literate.

10. Heavy Metal
Myth: The music is called "Heavy Metal"
We start with the easiest and most popular. Most people assume that the name of the music that came with screams loud and very distorted guitar is "Heavy Metal".
In fact, Metal Flow has hundreds of subgenres and "Heavy Metal" or almost not one of the sub-flow. Bands like Cream, Led Zeppelin and Black Sabbath paved the way for metal bands to create a unique sound. But while these bands can be called a homage to Heavy Metal, the majority regard as non-metalheads, especially the elderly and young girls, referring to all the heavy metal rock music. Just because they do not recognize the diversity of the musical genre.

How to Appreciate Death Metal

While most people associate death metal music with a bunch of guys screaming and creating random noise, there's a multitude of Reasons Why this genre maintains a strong following and earns the fierce loyalty of many listeners worldwide. Here is why.Steps1. Take a moment and really listen to what's going on. Death metal is more than crunching guitars and harsh vocals. Although the rough guitar sound and guttural vocals are important, the music contains melodies, harmonies, patterns, and complex time signatures, as well. The initial blast of death metal can take a little getting used to (especially if your ears are accustomed to softer sounds), but if you listen closely you'll start to appreciate the quality of the musicianship.

2. Give credit where credit is due: playing and singing death metal is not easy. While someone with a very basic musical background could probably learn a pop or rock song in a short period of time, that same person would take much longer to learn a death metal song. The songs demand expert Often improvisational skills and are highly orchestrated. In this way death metal is comparable to jazz or classical music.
For fans of percussion, note how death metal drumming is extremely technical and precise. It takes many years for these drummers to OBTAIN the Necessary skills to play these complicated rhythm patterns at an often ridiculous speed. The majority of percussion in popular music (with the exception of jazz) is pretty simple, and the percussion is sampled Often without a real musician. For anyone interested in talented musicians, both jazz and death metal offer excellent Avenues to enjoy guitar and drum talent.    

3. Remember that in death metal, unlike many other genres, each band almost always writes their own music. That includes the riffs, drums, solos, and lyrics. Writing your own music demonstrates another dimension of instrumental mastery and talent, as well as making the music more personal and less manufactured.Listen to 

The Lyrics1

Do not take the context and subject matter personally. Often death metal lyrics push the boundaries of polite discourse, and they are not intended to be taken literally. The words growing niche to document the outer extremes of human experience roomates other genres do not dare touch, such as the motivations of serial killers, isolation, the activities of the walking dead, and death itself.
Keep in mind that some death metal lyrics, especially the gore and brutal varieties, often, but not always, elaborate on the details of extreme acts, Including mutilation, dissection, rape and necrophilia. If you are concerned about this sort of content, we recommend doing a little bit of research before buying the music. Online sites, consumer guides, music samples, and music magazines will give you a good idea about how the songs will be gory.
Do not Dismiss the music solely on the lyrical content. Many music stores (online and storefront) provide free 30-second sound clips that can demonstrate the groove of a song. If the musical content sparks your interest, perhaps the lyrics can be taken more lightly.
Look up the lyrics. A common misconception is that all heavy metal bands write lyrics that are vulgar and Contain lots of bad language. There are numerous online sites that Contain a library of song lyrics. Poke around. The more you learn and the more you listen, the more you'll discover how diverse and intelligent the lyrics can be. 

Expose Yourself to Sub-genres1

Learn about the sub-genres. Not all death metal is the same. The genre contains many sub-genres that can frequently mix and intermingle with each other. As a result, it may be difficult to file a band under a single sub-genre. Here's a general guideline to get you started:
Blackened (which adopts thematic and musical elements of black metal): Akercocke, Behemoth, Belphegor, Dissection, God dethroned, Firdous AngelCorpse, Sacramentum, Zyklon, Crimson Thorn, and many others.
Brutal: Aborted (Earlier work), Cannibal Corpse, Cryptopsy, Blood Red Throne, Deeds of Flesh, Degrade, Deranged, disavowed, Disgorge, Guttural Secrete, Hate Eternal, Immolation, Internal Suffering, Krisiun, Origin, skinless, Death, Spawn of Possession, Suffocation, The Genocide Architect, wormed, and many others.
Death / Doom (slow tempos, melancholic atmosphere, deep growling vocals and double-kick drumming): ANATHEMA (Earlier work), Asphyx, Autopsy, Disembowelment, Swallow the Sun, and Winter.
Goregrind / Deathgrind (intense, brief, rare guitar solos, more prominent shrieked vocals): Carcass (Earlier work), terminally Your Aborted Ghost, Anal Bleeding, Guttural engorgement, and XXX Maniak.
Melodic (Iron Maiden-esque guitar harmonies and melodies with typically higher-pitched growls): Children Of Bodom (Earlier work), Aborted (later work), Amon Amarth, Arch Enemy, At Odds with God, At the Gates, Carcass (later work), Dark Tranquillity, Desultory, Dethklok, Disarmonia Mundi, Hilastherion, Hypocrisy, Immortal Souls, Kalmah, Norther, Souls, In Flames (Earlier work), Sacrilege, Wintersun, Scar Symmetry, Insomnium, noumena, Rapture, and Daylight Dies.
Symphonic: Eternal Tears of Sorrow, Nightfall, and Septic Flesh
Technical / Progressive (dynamic song structures, uncommon time signatures, atypical rhythms and unusual harmonies and melodies): Immoral (Earlier work), Beneath The Massacre, Brain Drill, Cryptopsy, Cynic, Death, Decapitated, Gorguts, Immolation, Necrophagist, Nile, Ominous, Origin, Pestilence, Psycroptic, Sleep Terror, Spawn of Possession, The Faceless, Visceral Bleeding, Veil Of Maya, Meshuggah, and PsyOpus. 

Go to a Concert1
BehemothWatch a live death metal performance. Observe how the group members Manipulate their respective instruments. It can be quite an experience, especially since the shows are Often in smaller venues and you can walk near or behind the stage to observe the musicians up close. If you've ever tried to play those instruments yourself, you'll probably be amazed at how skillfully they play. It takes years of practice and dedication to reach that level of musicianship, roomates challenges the stereotype of metal heads being lazy stoners. You might also be surprised at how energetic these performers are.


Keep in mind that all genres and sub-genres are under heated debate, so do not adhere to a single definition too seriously.
Many excellent death metal bands had never had a big record company behind them to support and promote their music. They are hidden treasures. Look around and discover what's mostly ignored.

Music Metal According to Islamic view..

Metal Music History originally came from the roots of Heavy Metal flows into metal music now, like Death Metal, Melodic Death Metal, Black Metal, deathcore, Power Metal, Metal Ghotic, slamming Brutal Death Metal, Pure Metal, Progressive Metal and many more streams metal music that developed in the 20s era, what is Heavy Metal? Heavy metal is a genre of rock that developed in the 1970s. The flow of this music that pretty much put the guitar.
Name Heavy metal band conceived by Hard Rock Year 60'an Steppenwolf, in their song "Born To Be Wild '(in the second line of the second verse).
"I like smoke and lightning Heavy metal thunder Racin 'with the wind And the feelin' that I'm under".
But the term was not used properly until in 1970, when Black Sabbath released their album debut album entitled 'Black Sabbath'.

 Islamic View Of Music
   Before you learn more about the views of Islamic Music Of Metal, we first determine the Islamic view of music.
How does Islam view the music? There are two views in Islam to music. There are scholars who allow and forbid others. The difference arises because the Qur'an does not allow and forbid. "

Eminent scholar Dr Yusuf al-Qaradawi in his book, "Al-Halaal wal Haraam fil Islam", allowing the music to a number of conditions. In fact, a number of religious rituals that Muslims executed contains musicality. One example is the rhythm of prayer. In addition, science reading the Qur'an or ilm al-qiraah also contain music.

However, Al-Albani forbid Muslims to music. He based it on one hadith narrated by Imam Bukhari. "There will be people from my ummah who justify adultery, wearing silk, alcohol and musical instruments.

In general, Muslims are allowed music. In fact, in the era of glory, the Muslims were able to achieve progress in the field of musical art. Moreover, music and poetry to be one of the traditions that developed in the Arabian Peninsula before Islam.

That is the view of Islam on Music, then how is the view of Islam on Music Metal (loud music)?

Against Islamic view Underground Metal Music
After reading some articles that ngebahas about Islamic views on underground music, most of the scholars main scholars of the Islamic Defenders Front or FPI strongly rejects the presence of metal music, Underground Music and other hard music among teenagers today, because they think the music Underground or Metal aims to keep young people from Islamic teachings. Farid Budi Fahri said a senior from FPI.
However, in view of the attempted break by many young people in Indonesia, as the community of underground metal bands such as Skulls, Purgatory, Aftermath, Punk Muslim, and the Roots of Madinah, they take the fight against JIL recently, precisely on March 9 2012, and did longmarch towards Monas, because according to their ideas of Liberalism and Pluralism extremely dangerous to teenagers who are blind to religion.

Not only Exist in the Real World fought their arguments are also often involved in the World Maya or to break JIL thinking. Unlike other metal bands musically and they are more likely to work but do not forget and keep the faith and Shari'a. this is called White Metal, Black Metal is the music if the music often carries for the White Metal Fight Religion is the opposite. (y)

>Why Many scholars reject Mainly Music Metal Music Underground??
In my opinion, this might be due to the beginning of the emergence of Metal Music in Indonesia originally came from western culture is arguably less deserves to be either in terms of sets and belief that is contrary to Islamic law, such as a homage to Black Metal band, a stream most metal lyrics contain elements of resistance, and hostility toward religion, and most of them are a follower of Satan or Satanism, perhaps this is what makes the scholars reject Underground music, let alone the morality of people in Indonesia are Muslims, so it is difficult for scholars to not reject Metal music entry in Indonesia and the fact is, there are many young people who fall due to excessive worship of the idol. but with the growth in time young people now have smart to judge which ones are good and which are bad so little by little these views could change.

So in conclusion, it's okay to like something but do not overdo it so that we can control between religion and what we like. Although Metal music is loud music but it does not always have to be underestimated and it is time for the youth to change this view, and show that the metal does not always have such a view, such as that carried out the youth of the community Underground, Greetings One Finger "One Finger Movement "and the bands other Metal Underground. :) See also: Dead Breath, Metal Band That Holds True Teachings of Islam

Cannibal Corpse Will Appear On A Date October 12

Yet the impression is lost Hammersonic Festival in April yesterday, Revision active Live music performances staged rock / metal back will bring the legendary metal band. Formerly part metalhead already in the know, let alone coming to Hammersonic Festival, ahead of the show headliners Suffocation and Nile, Revision Live as a promoter, gave his leaked a video teaser of Cannibal Corpse, sort of clue of their arrival to Indonesia. No taste, the awaited day is coming when the promise Sesua, Cannibal Corpse will certainly hold a concert in Jakarta on October 12 in the East Parking Senayan. Cannibal Corpse, metalhead who does not know where the legendary death metal band from Buffalo, New York, this American? Formed in 1988, the band has released 12 studio albums, 1 boxet, and 1 live album. From the beginning they had a big influence since the release of the album 'Butchered at Birth' (1991) and 'Tomb of the MUTILATED' (1992) and made the best-selling death metal album in the United States and even the world. The last album, 'Torture' which releases in March 2012 just yesterday, still prove the best death metal music so grand. Indonesia is one of the biggest fanbase Cannibal Corpse. Revision Live not only answered the desire Cannibal Corpse to Indonesia, but also to answer the wishes of the fans and other metalhead. The arrival of vocalist George "Corpsegrinder" Fisher, guitarist Patrick O'Brien and Rob Barrett, bassist Alex Webster and drummer Paul Mazurkiewicz had just successfully released the album 'Rush' and the way 'Slaughter Tour', will hold the first show in Jakarta, as well as promoting their latest album. Until now, the enthusiasm has been seen, ticket sales are spread from 2 months ago, not only online but also available via the tiketboxnya offline reach almost all major cities in Indonesia. Earlybird tickets in the month of August, for Rp. 150.000, - has sold out and is currently presale tickets during the month of September, for Rp. 200.000, - has sold half of the target audience. Starting in October, the normal ticket tickets will be valid for Rp. 250,000, the price is still affordable for a classy event with a quality band. Cannibal Corpse concert the first time in Jakarta is fully supported by the sponsors and media partners: Hingarbingar Music Merchandise, Trax FM Jakarta, OZ FM Jakarta, KIS FM Jakarta, Indonesia Rolling Stone Magazine, O Magazine, Trax Magazine, Guitar Plus, Charisma, Provoke , SoundUp, Gigsplay, Indonesia Concerts, Daily Concerts, Xtreme Zine, Events, Music For Life.

Sidjil Has Released His first album

Sidjil taken from the Arabic meaning of hot rock, has significance as the spirit to fight the despair of the lack of harmony band sebelumnya.sebagai newcomer in the metal scene that formed in mid-2011, her right on 5 May that hatched by Ivan and Arr. In less than 1 year after forming, they entered the studio to record the materials and processes lainnya.setelah long process, the EP debut album'' People's'' Land Sidjil compounds released 4 track, as their first step into the scene of the 'respectable' this. The process of recording, mixing and mastering done at Red Studio (London) handled by a brother, Indra Adhikusuma.seluruh debut EP in the process of Human'' compound'' Land is managed in the absence of a producer working on. They hope that this may continue and not just until musicians and local bands!