Sondag 17 Maart 2013

Music Metal According to Islamic view..

Metal Music History originally came from the roots of Heavy Metal flows into metal music now, like Death Metal, Melodic Death Metal, Black Metal, deathcore, Power Metal, Metal Ghotic, slamming Brutal Death Metal, Pure Metal, Progressive Metal and many more streams metal music that developed in the 20s era, what is Heavy Metal? Heavy metal is a genre of rock that developed in the 1970s. The flow of this music that pretty much put the guitar.
Name Heavy metal band conceived by Hard Rock Year 60'an Steppenwolf, in their song "Born To Be Wild '(in the second line of the second verse).
"I like smoke and lightning Heavy metal thunder Racin 'with the wind And the feelin' that I'm under".
But the term was not used properly until in 1970, when Black Sabbath released their album debut album entitled 'Black Sabbath'.

 Islamic View Of Music
   Before you learn more about the views of Islamic Music Of Metal, we first determine the Islamic view of music.
How does Islam view the music? There are two views in Islam to music. There are scholars who allow and forbid others. The difference arises because the Qur'an does not allow and forbid. "

Eminent scholar Dr Yusuf al-Qaradawi in his book, "Al-Halaal wal Haraam fil Islam", allowing the music to a number of conditions. In fact, a number of religious rituals that Muslims executed contains musicality. One example is the rhythm of prayer. In addition, science reading the Qur'an or ilm al-qiraah also contain music.

However, Al-Albani forbid Muslims to music. He based it on one hadith narrated by Imam Bukhari. "There will be people from my ummah who justify adultery, wearing silk, alcohol and musical instruments.

In general, Muslims are allowed music. In fact, in the era of glory, the Muslims were able to achieve progress in the field of musical art. Moreover, music and poetry to be one of the traditions that developed in the Arabian Peninsula before Islam.

That is the view of Islam on Music, then how is the view of Islam on Music Metal (loud music)?

Against Islamic view Underground Metal Music
After reading some articles that ngebahas about Islamic views on underground music, most of the scholars main scholars of the Islamic Defenders Front or FPI strongly rejects the presence of metal music, Underground Music and other hard music among teenagers today, because they think the music Underground or Metal aims to keep young people from Islamic teachings. Farid Budi Fahri said a senior from FPI.
However, in view of the attempted break by many young people in Indonesia, as the community of underground metal bands such as Skulls, Purgatory, Aftermath, Punk Muslim, and the Roots of Madinah, they take the fight against JIL recently, precisely on March 9 2012, and did longmarch towards Monas, because according to their ideas of Liberalism and Pluralism extremely dangerous to teenagers who are blind to religion.

Not only Exist in the Real World fought their arguments are also often involved in the World Maya or to break JIL thinking. Unlike other metal bands musically and they are more likely to work but do not forget and keep the faith and Shari'a. this is called White Metal, Black Metal is the music if the music often carries for the White Metal Fight Religion is the opposite. (y)

>Why Many scholars reject Mainly Music Metal Music Underground??
In my opinion, this might be due to the beginning of the emergence of Metal Music in Indonesia originally came from western culture is arguably less deserves to be either in terms of sets and belief that is contrary to Islamic law, such as a homage to Black Metal band, a stream most metal lyrics contain elements of resistance, and hostility toward religion, and most of them are a follower of Satan or Satanism, perhaps this is what makes the scholars reject Underground music, let alone the morality of people in Indonesia are Muslims, so it is difficult for scholars to not reject Metal music entry in Indonesia and the fact is, there are many young people who fall due to excessive worship of the idol. but with the growth in time young people now have smart to judge which ones are good and which are bad so little by little these views could change.

So in conclusion, it's okay to like something but do not overdo it so that we can control between religion and what we like. Although Metal music is loud music but it does not always have to be underestimated and it is time for the youth to change this view, and show that the metal does not always have such a view, such as that carried out the youth of the community Underground, Greetings One Finger "One Finger Movement "and the bands other Metal Underground. :) See also: Dead Breath, Metal Band That Holds True Teachings of Islam

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