Sondag 17 Maart 2013

13 Logo Metal Band That Could Not Read

The most common logo appears on the cover of a CD album or poster or banner events like music festivals and solo concert. Sometimes the band's logo is also visible on the equipment or band equipment, such as musical instruments (most common in the front of the kick drum) or on the guitar. The vehicle body such as bus tours can also be used to place the logo terpampangnya. Iron Maiden put instead - great their logo on the body of Ed Force One, the Boeing 757 aircraft that since 2007 they used to tour.

Lots logo - logo unique and distinctive bands in the metal scene. Some of them have become worldwide and is known as the Iron Maiden logo that was. And because they are a logo identity creation is made in accordance with the character of the band represents. So then came logo - logo metal band unique and interesting.

Well, one side of which is considered unique and interesting in creating a logo for a few metal bands to create a logo that is very difficult to read. Ever seen logo belongs to bands - bands like Cryptopsy, Oathean, Diabolical Masquerade or a local band from Jogja, Cranial Incisored? Logo - their logo for the layman may include hard to read. Of course for those who already know the band - the band usually can recognize the logo as well.

But there are some metal bands logo is very difficult or even unreadable. Want to know who the band - the band? Please browse 13 logo metal band that is difficult or illegible following:

 13. The first logo is hard to read is owned by Abaddon Incarnate. The band from Dublin, Ireland. Formed in 1991, has released four albums and a stack of demos since 1995. Mostly themed lyrics about satanism. His music is a combination of grindcore and death metal.

12. This logo belongs anguished. Originally from Helsinki, Finland, anguished relatively newcomer, having only appeared in 2009 and recently released a single album entitled "Cold" in 2010. This is actually a solo project done by Possessed Demoness, a girl who sings and plays all the instruments on the album except drums played by someone named Mental Penetrator. Music is very thick anguished screams black metal with vocals Demoness high and rough.

 11. The next logo is hard to read logo ASTRAL OATH. Originally from Italy, who brought the genre of black metal with elements of ambient diselipi very thick. Recently released one album in 2009, titled "Hidden Path". The album is said to only be released as many as 50 seeds. Contains six shades of black metal songs and ambient cold but deaf.

10. This one is owned by FINE CHINA SUPERBONE, experimental jazz metal band origin Den Haag, Netherlands. His music is a combination of jazz and nu metal with progressive shades wrapped. The band has been active since the 90s.

9. This is a logo GORTUARY, brutal death metal band from San Diego, California. Became active since 2006 and has released two albums in 2008 and 2010 through Sevared Records label. Music Gortuary countless meetings with relying on blast beats and rhythm guitar diselipi lick - lick short and fast guitar solos. Typical brutal death metal.


8. This logo NIDRIKE hers. Nidrike is a Swedish band formed in 2007 and plays black metal genre. There are two bands named Nidrike the same - both hail from Sweden and the same - the same play black metal. It's just the other Nidrike band has a logo that can still be read.

7. This logo belongs MET AN Iranian ROGERS. This is a band of brutal death metal / grindcore origin of Grand Rapids, Michigan who formed in 2005. Unfortunately the band's career is very short. They broke up in 2007 with only released a single album is "Sloth" in 2005.

6. Next to Latin America, specifically Colombia. There was a band called ARBORIS MORTUUS. Yup, this is number 6 logo belongs to the band from Tunja, Colombia. Band berpersonil four men carrying black metal stream. Established since 2004, released a couple of demos and a split album with two similar bands that Asbel and Misanthrope, also from Colombia. Only Arboris Mortuss unfortunately now defunct.

5. No one can read these logos? This is a logo MEDIC EFA vomiting, band from Tokyo, Japan homage to Brutal Death Metal. Classified as a new band, formed in 2008 and have yet to make an album. Only two demos were recorded in 2009 and 2011.

4. The closer the number one ranking, the more unreadable. The logo made ​​its way impressed as strikethrough - graffiti is owned by ROTE Roue, black metal band origin of Queensland, Australia. A new album, titled "De Profundis" was released in 2008. The band rarely use velocity / speed in the music, they prefer the feel of a dark and gloomy building.

3. More like a painting than writing. It is owned by the band logo black / death metal from Canada, ANTEDILUVIAN. Formed in 2006 but already has a lot of documentation records, although most are still in demo form. In 2011 they had just released his first album titled "Through the cervix of Hawwah".

2. In order to belong to the two existing logo TRISTE. Triste is arable Hetre black metal project which started in 2005 in California. Had released three mini albums in 2006 and 2007. The music spins in a cool black metal genre, depressive and suicidal. Triste now reportedly no longer active. Hetre figure known as a closed, even his real name was not known. In English, the word "triste" means "sad" or "sad". The word 'triste' comes from the French.

1. This logo feels deserves to be ranked number one in this list. The logo did not seem to load the physical form letter un APAP is owned FROSTSKOG, black metal band from Gothenburg, Sweden. Standing in 2004 but only released a demo two times in 2005 and 2008. Music Fröstskög concentrated typical '90s black metal with a raw recording quality.

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